Tax Rebates

Heat Pump Tax Credits - get rewarded for sustainable heating & coolingUpgrading to an energy-efficient air conditioner or heat pump can not only help lower your energy bills, but also offer significant tax savings. 

Through the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, active as of January 2023, a variety of home upgrades are now eligible for up to a 30-percent rebate if the equipment meets certain efficiency guidelines. This includes multiple heating and cooling improvements, such as:

  • Air source heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Furnaces
  • Heat pumps and water heaters
  • Insulation 
  • Home energy audits 

Our team can perform a variety of upgrades that are eligible for tax incentives, and we can help ensure that the equipment and systems you select fit all necessary criteria. 

Criteria, Limits, and Eligibility 

  • Annual aggregate limit of $3,200 per year
    • Up to $2,000 per year for air source heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and biomass stoves/boilers
    • Up to $1,200 per year for central air conditioners (ACs), furnaces, boilers, and envelope improvements, with an additional per project limit of $600 for ACs
  • Valid for purchases and installations completed between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2032 
  • Systems and equipment must meet certain ENERGY STAR certifications  
  • Credit only applies to your primary living place and does not cover second homes, commercial properties, new buildings, or rentals
  • Detailed information can be found at or

Reach out today to talk to one of our professionals about your next home energy improvement.